Nicky Baltus
Nicky Baltus is 28 years old and has been working as a junior HR business partner at HCA Apeldoorn for more than 2 years.
Core values
Our core values show what we stand for and what we believe in as employees and as a company. These are the following: passion, responsibility, courage and teamwork.
Nicky is a type who likes clarity and agreements.
''I make sure I stick to my responsibilities and the agreements I make with others. I think it is important that everyone knows where they stand and that we deal with each other transparently. I find that I myself work best under this and that you should treat others as well as you would like to be treated yourself.''
This is why Nicky chose the core value of responsibility

Nicky Baltus is 28 years old and has been working as a Junior HR Business Partner at Holland Colours Apeldoorn for more than 2 years. ‘’It is always important to reflect to yourself if everyone goes the extra mile and is open to change then you can make a real difference together.’’
What does a working day at HCA look like for you?
I start the day by checking all emails and urgent notifications. And I check my agenda to see what appointments I have. I use this to decide which matters are most urgent. I also have many different appointments in a day. Every day is very different. This variety and the freedom I get from the team is something I really appreciate in my work. I have job interviews, development appointments, projects, and appointments with managers and colleagues.
What attracted you to work at HCA and makes working at HCA so enjoyable for you?
I saw a vacancy online. After the interview, I was immediately excited by the friendly atmosphere as colleagues spoke enthusiastically about the company. I was immediately drawn into the company's story. Because we produce our own products, you immediately see what you are doing it for. This makes working here extra fun and tangible for me. The fact that there is a good balance between being a growing international company with many international colleagues but maintaining the fine and close culture with colleagues among themselves really appeals to me.
Why is responsibility so important and how is it reflected in your daily work?
I find it important that I take all my work seriously and act accordingly. The core of working with responsibility is trust. I think HCA gives you the freedom to do your job to the best of your ability and therefore I think taking responsibility in this is very important. When you work with responsibility, you trust that it will happen and that someone else will also take responsibility. By all of us acting responsibly by honoring agreements, helping each other, going the extra mile when necessary, working safely, and communicating respectfully to each other, we as a company can move forward.
I think the responsibility in the work is reflected by the fact that, as colleagues, we are all shareholders as well. This ensures that we work hard every day to achieve the best result.
Which 3 words do you think best describe HCA?
Good atmosphere, Together, Ambitious
How do you experience the atmosphere at HCA?
The atmosphere among colleagues is very pleasant, you can always go to anyone for questions or help. Colleagues are very passionate about their work. I definitely feel this enthusiasm on the work floor. There are many colleagues who have been working at HCA for some time and that shows, in practice, that our colleagues have a heart for HCA. At the same time, I have not worked at HCA for very long and I notice that I feel as well included and welcome here as colleagues who have worked here for a longer time.
Question from Kara: What area, in terms of teamwork, can we improve?
I think it's important to give feedback to each other and to give feedback on the agreements that are made between colleagues because this is also taking responsibility.
Which question would you like to see answered in the next interview with another colleague?
What skills or qualities have you developed by taking on responsibilities in your role?